About Fiji and Kiribati Islands

Located in the south Pacific Ocean, Fiji and Kiribati Islands are one of the most desired vacation places in the world.

Do tuna take vactions here too? Let's learn more about these islands!

Fiji and Kiribati Islands are home to many tuna species. What do we know about them? It is never a bad idea to have some background information before we learn about climate change and tuna range shift in those islands. Below are simple facts about Fiji Island and Kiribati Island.

-Fiji Republic

-The capital city of Fiji Island is Suva.

-Fiji Island declared independence from the United Kingdom in October 10, 1970 and officially became a republic i in 1987.
-Official languages of Fiji Island are English, Bau Fijian, and Fiji Hindi.

-Fiji Culture is a mixture of indigenous, Indian, Chinese, and European traditions. The cultural integration of traditions from different origins in Fiji generate a unique culture comprising language, food, art, and music.

-The climate in Fiji is tropical marine. It is warm throughout the year and not surprisingly, the average temperature in the cool season is about 22 °C (72 °F).  It rains more heavily during the warm season than the cold season. There are no extreme climates in Fiji. Cyclones strike Fiji island about once a year, but winds are generally moderate.

-Including fish resources, Fiji is blessed with other natural resources such as abundant forest, mineral, copper, and offshore oil.

-Commercial fishing in Fiji Island is one of the most developed industries in the Pacific Islands.  

                                                                    Viti Levu Island, Fiji Islands

                                              Fijian Dancers in front of the Traditional Fijian House

-Kiribati Republic

-Kiribati Island is located in the central tropical Pacific Ocean.

-Kiribati Island is about 1366 miles away from Fiji Island.

-The capital city of Kiribati Island is Tarawa.

-Kiribati Island declared independence from United Kingdom in July 12, 1979.

-After being divided into district in the colonial period, the country is divided into three island groups now, which include Gilbert Islands, Phoenix Islands, and Line Islands.

-Phoenix Islands is the second largest protected marine reserve in the world.

-Kiribati has new natural resources such as copra and fish.  Government relies heavily on fish exports and issuing fishing license for gamefish in Kiribati Island.

-The climate in Kiribati Island is equatorial maritime climate. There is only little variance in temperature throughout the year, even between the day and night. Although it is not extreme, sometimes humidity is high, but most of the times, it is soon relieved by a cooling breeze from easterly quarter.

                                              Aerial Photo of Kiritimati (Christmas) Island, Kiribati Island

                                      Indigenous people of Kiribati Island preparing for ceremonial dance. 

Now, let's shift our attention to what is happening to tuna species in Fiji Island and Kiribati Island on the next section "Tuna Fishery in Pacific Islands" and "Climate Change and Tuna Range Shift."


1. The World Fact Book. Central Intelligence Agency.  12 April 2012 https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/kr.html

*Photos used above were taken from the following websites:

1) www.worldatlas.com : maps of the Fiji and Kiribati Islands

2) www.usdivetravel.com :photos of the Fiji and Kiribati Islands

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